
Why we believe what we believe

  We all like to follow the news and listen to politicians and experts to stay well-informed about issues that matter to us and the rest of the world. We assume that most of our beliefs are correct and not only correct but morally justified. However, we rarely delve into why we believe what we believe. The uneasy truth is that we barely earned any of our beliefs or ever reached conclusions ourselves. We want to think that we can defend our beliefs logically, but we often fail miserably and resort to emotional responses rather than convincing logical ones.  Therefore, it's vital to engage in introspection to understand the influences on our beliefs and worldview. The answer may not always be clear, but we have the power to introspect and comprehend the influences of genetics, society, parents, education, friends, and media on our beliefs. This introspection is a crucial step that can empower us to critically evaluate our beliefs and make informed decisions. The most important influe

Am I exhausted? Trump vs. Biden vs. my sanity

As the 2024 American election looms, I find myself feeling exhausted. It's hard to know how to feel about Trump or Biden. Every week we get more of the same story. If I want to give a big f-you to the American political elite, Trump is my guy. If I want a safe pair of hands, I should get behind Biden. But are either of these stories right for me? My choice of leaders is a charismatic convicted felon or a struggling salesman with no clear marketing pitch. Navigating these emotions is tough. I feel frustrated and sometimes disillusioned by the options we have. Does Donald Trump’s conviction put his Presidency at risk? Is electing a President that is a convicted felon a stark departure from the values that should be at the heart of our political system? Or is his conviction symbolic of Trump’s fight against our institutions and is this why I should back him? I don’t know how I feel, how do you? How do you feel about Trump's conviction? I then contrast this with Joe Biden which, to

What’s your opinion?

Do you feel heard and seen by our political leaders? Do you and your community feel empowered to speak up on key issues that affect your lives? Or do you feel disenfranchised or, even worse, overlooked? The complex challenges faced by our leaders demand a nuanced understanding of the diverse perspectives within our communities. Recognizing this, we can work towards a future where decisions are not made to appease the loudest voice but to address the greatest need, empowering all communities. Traditional polling has intentionally or unintentionally limited the amount of empathy brought to decisions. Methods tend to rely on narrow demographic samples or predetermined questions, limiting the range of viewpoints that are considered. This can lead to decisions that fail to address the needs of many communities. Let's take health care as an example. Traditional polling methods may provide general insights into public opinion on healthcare, but they often fail to capture communities'

Opinions Market is here to disrupt and democratize traditional polling

Today, the divide between the power of the elite and the views of the community is alarmingly increasing. Every opinion must and should matter!   Traditional polling is broken. The techniques are rigid, complex, and just outdated. It’s a political tool rather than a platform that captures and examines the attitudes, feelings, and experiences of the community. Are your views reflected in these polls?   Opinions Market seeks to shatter these traditional barriers and create a space where you can share your perspectives on issues that directly impact your life. We have created a community polling platform where there are no time constraints, no exclusive invitations, and no subjective restrictions.   Everyone has an opinion, and everyone should have the opportunity to speak their truth to power.   The unique value proposition of Opinions Market is our inclusivity and independence. We recognize that every individual's experience is unique and should be considered by our leaders and poli